Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions that follow.


I had a friend at school who was always complaining to be sick. His name was Isaya. He used to come to school in the morning and tell us that, “I am not very well today”. At first, we were all sympathetic to him and our class teacher often used to send him back home to his parents for treatment.

Funny enough when he was sent home for treatment, he normally plays with street children instead of going straight home to his parents. After the first term, his fellow students started to ignore his complaints. The boy was too lazy to do anything, whenever given an assignment to do he had a lot of excuses. One day the teacher on duty Mr. Matola asked all of us in our class to clean the assembly ground, but Isaya said that, “I cannot do the cleanliness because I am sick”. Everybody started shouting, “No, he is lying, he is not sick”. The class teacher, madam Asante and theteacheronduty,Mr.Matolaheardthenoiseandrushedinourclassroom.Isayadecidedto jump through the window in order to run away from the teachers. To the unfortunately, he could not make it, as he fell down and broke his left leg.

Esaya was crying bitterly on the ground. Everyone was afraid of telling the truth to the teachers, because teachers were not aware of Isaya’s deceitful behaviour. The teachers, asked “Why was Isaya running”, then the class monitor said, “We are so sorry, because we had never revealed Isaya’s bad behaviour to you. Isaya is a liar he is not sick, but he always says that he is sick,we are tired of all his lies that is why we were shouting and he wanted to escape”. All teachers were surprisedtohearthatstory.ThenIsayawassenttothehospitalandhisparentswereinformedthat Isaya was expelled from school for three months.



(a) Answer the following questions with the right information from the passage.

(i) What is a suitable title for this passage?

(ii) Who had a lying behaviour in the school? ​

(iii) Why were the students ignoring the boy’s complaints? ​

(iv) Who told the teachers the truth about Isaya? ​

(v) What can you learn from the given passage? ​

(b) For each of the statements below, write ​TRUE​ if the statement is correct or ​FALSE​ if the statement is not correct. (i) The boy pretended to be ill always. ​

(ii) Isaya was going straight home when he was sent back by his class teacher. ​

(iii) Mr. Matola was Isaya’s class teacher. ​

(iv) Isaya was a lazy boy. ​

(v) Isaya broke his left leg. ​

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